Sunday, July 17, 2011

Geneva Switzerland:)

Praise God!!!
I was a little nervous about my trip to Geneva because of the cost. I spent the majoity of my money on my plane ticket and my apartment there. But I can honestly say it was so so worth it. It was worth every penny and I would do it all over again!!
There were two Aimers that worked the Geneva Revival. One was Sister Lauren and one was Sister Beth. Both were two beautiful young girls from the states. They came as Aim workers over 3 months ago. They were sent to Geneva to work under the direction of pastor Sayers 6 weeks ago to live there and study the city. They were to know every street, every bus route and every resturaunt.:)... They put together the outreach schedule and knew what buses went where. By the time Pastor Scott and I got arrived on Thursday we knew exactly what we were to be doing. Bro Robinette is the pastor in Vienna, Austria. He also sent a group of workers to help out. :) I had so many new girlfriends I hardly knew what to do with myself! :)
We arrived on Thursday at about two oclock. We went directly to the park and began outreach. Everything was electronic and we walked around the city and sung songs the entire time! We played piano, bongo drums and guitar. God provided the perfect match of voices and we had every part to just nearly perfect. People stopped to take pictures, dance and talk to us about what we were doing. Little kids came up and played with us as well:) The majoirty of us sang and played while we rotated and handed out tracks about our revival services. :) It was so amazing to outreach in a city you have never been too. You were able to walk around and take pictures like a tourist as well as witness for the Lord. God knew exactly what he was doing.
Friday service was amazing:) The church is still very small but we had over 5 visitors and 3 of them recieved the Holy Ghost:)! I was not able to stay for the rest of the revival but what I saw was just the beginning of something amazing in Geneva.
Saturday morning I was able to go out to eat with the wonderful Bro and Sis Robinette (general superintendent for german speaking nations) I had an amazing talk with them and discussed future plans for more missions in my life. They mentioned the option I had to once agian travel next summer and I would be able to stay in Vienna, Austria and work directly under Bro and Sis Robinette! I am so excited about what the future holds.:) I cant hardly stand it!.
Pastor Scott and I left on Saturday and headed back to Nurnberg. We were so drained from outreach and felt useless on our flights back home, nearly missing one:) On our last flight back home I met a really nice adorable young man named Kristian. He originally lied and said he was 17 and I found out later he was only 15. LOL. Nice try buddy. But anyhow he was extremly talented. He spoke 5 languages and his father spoke 12 languages. His family has a background in music and he played piano as well as football, he scuba-dived, and traveled all over the world. AT only 15!! He did not look 15. LOL. But he talked my ear off. I thought I talked alot! He talked the whole flight back to Nurnberg. I was able to talk to him about God. He was extremly knowledgable in history, like knew geography and history of every country on the planet. I just kindly asked him if he was as knowledgeable about God as he was everything else... and the convo just flowed. I wont go into detail but it was amazing and I really felt like God wanted to give him a very specific message. I told him that I felt like God was going to do amzing things in his life. We had alot of similar beliefs and the converstation was not awkard at all. He told me later that he really enjoyed our talk and that he did not think it was coincidental that we met. :) I challenged him to read John chapter three and trusted that God would take over the rest. :) Amen! I met his mom at the airport and she was just as cute!
I overslept completely this morning and casued the family to arrive over a half an hour later than we had planned. After speaking to the Robinettes I felt impressioned to step out of my comfort zone here at the church. I decided to help more in the music department. I knew that the choir would not be singing so I flip through my ipod to find a song to sing. God layed on my heart Underneath the Shadow, by Heidi King. I just had them crank it up over the sound system and I sang in a mic along with it:) It worked out really well and I wasnt as nervous since I had her to fall back on. I just wanted to sing something that would help the congregation to give our Lord their praises. :) It worked out better than expected. Thank You Jesus.
Today was Pastor Scotts birthday! Went went to a pizza place down the street and ate with some other members of the church. The food was really good. There are some differences though. One difference was the salad. I ate some type of cabbage/radish?? in a sauce on my salad as well as corn.:) Tomatoes are really popular here and I have been eating them in just about every meal. I even grabbed them for my salad today. If you know anything about me, you would know that this is not typical of me. GUess my taste buds are changing becasue I really enjoyed them. The pizza was huge and they dont cut the pizzas in slices over here, you have to tell them to cut it. I did not know that:( Every pizza I have had so far has been a thin crust pizza, a perfect thin crust:) (not cardboard) but im finding the meats arent as cooked as I like them. They look like they are undercooked, viz. ham, bacon, sausage, hamburger. (eww) Sometimes they will even crack an uncooked egg over the pizza and serve it raw! BLAHHHHH!!!! I just stuck with a pinnapple and ham pizza. It was the size of a large pizza back home on an undersized plate:) LOL. AFter eating my salad I only ate one piece of pizza before feeling extremely full. I have breakfast lunch and dinner for at least two days.
I have two weeks left here in Germany. I am alot more familar with the country and feel that I am more usable:) I will keep you all posted back home and cant wait to post more pictures! xoxo and I send much love!
May God Bless America! and Germany/ Austria/ Switzerland

1 comment:

  1. Wow, amazing Shannon. You are such an inspiration. I am thankful I can pray for you here and am so excited for a further opportunity next year for you in Vienna, Austria! What a blessing. I am so glad that you went too, and that 3 of the 5 visitors received the Holy Ghost at Geneva.
    Is the young man in the top picture the 15 year old? Just wondering lol.
    Okay the food you were talking about sounded really scary. Raw eggs over pizza? Gag. Undercooked meat? I would get ill... But, you are probably super healthy and can handle it!!!
    I am so excited to hear you sang a solo in church like that! How amazing. I searched for that song on google and couldn't find it. I want to hear it too:)
    Well, I better let you go and God bless!
